class item //atau node/simpul
public int data; // data item
public item next; // next node link in list
public item prev; // previous node link in list
public item(int id) // constructor
data = id; // initialize data
} // set to null)
public void displayLink() // display ourself
System.out.print("{" + data + "} ");
} // end class Link
class StackLinkList
private item top; // ref to first link on list
private item bottom; // ref to last link on list
public StackLinkList() // constructor
top = bottom = null; // no items on list yet
public boolean isEmpty() // true if list is empty
return (top==null);
public void push(int id) //node baru selalu di top
{ // make new link
item newitem = new item(id);
if (top == null) // the first node created
top = bottom = newitem; // first --> newLink
else // the second node and the next node
{ = newitem; //next dr top (awal) diarahkan ke node baru
newitem.prev = top; //prev dr node baru diarahkan ke tail (awal)
top = newitem; //top (baru) diarahkan ke node baru
public item pop() // delete first item
{ item temp = null;
if (top == null) // stack is empty
System.out.println("Stack is empty");
else if (top == bottom) // stack is only one data
temp = top;
top = bottom = null;
else // stack has more than one data
temp = top; // save reference to link
top = top.prev; // delete it: first-->old next = null;
return temp;
public void display()
item current = bottom; // start from the first data
while(current != null) // until end of list,
current.displayLink(); // print data
current =; // move to next link
} // end class LinkList
class StackLinkListApp
public static void main(String[] args)
StackLinkList theStack = new StackLinkList(); // make new list
System.out.println("Initializing Stack...");
theStack.push(22); // insert four items
System.out.println("Display Forward :");
theStack.display(); // display list
System.out.println("Delete Stack from Top...");
while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) // until it's empty,
item aLink = theStack.pop(); // delete link
System.out.print("Deleted "); // display it
theStack.display(); // display list
} // end main()
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